Archive for the educative tipps Category

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Posted in educative tipps, POWER SERVICE on February 21, 2012 by Johnny-Love International Group [JLIG]

What Types of Companies Can Use CRM Systems?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are designed to assist companies in improving their relationships with their clients. They help the business to identify, attract and retain customers. A good CRM system supports client loyalty, which increases word-of-mouth advertising and results in additional clients for the business. One niche of a good CRM system is that it has a strong social media component, assisting the business in utilizing social media systems to greatly improve client relations. Think that your business isn’t the type of business that could benefit from a social CRM system? Think again! Many different companies can improve their bottom line using CRM systems, companies including:

  1. B2B companies. A business that sells goods to other businesses is usually selling a lot of item volume at one time. This means that the loss of a single customer can be a huge financial loss for the B2B company. That’s why it is so important to keep all customers happy. CRM systems keep information organized and encourage prompt responses to issues with clients. This effective means of retaining customers can make a huge difference in a large business where losing even one customer can significantly decrease profits.
  2. B2C companies. Although business-to-consumer companies work in smaller volumes than B2B companies, it is still crucial for them to retain their customers. CRM systems, especially those with a social component, help to simplify this process through extended communication with the customer. Additionally, B2C customers need to regularly add new customers to their client list in order to grow and CRM systems are designed to aid in this with targeted marketing that will facilitate lead generation in an efficient fashion.
  3. Online retailers. Online retailers are competing with other retailers in their industry across the entire globe (rather than just locally like a physical store would). As a result, they really need to step up their game in order to stand out amongst the competition. Proper use of social CRM facilitates this, assisting the online retailers in building a brand as well as a credible following through social media interaction. Of course, some online retailers also have an individual storefront even though they do a lot of their sales online. In this case, the CRM system can also help to integrate the online and offline store so that customers find the entire shopping experience more pleasant.
  4. Other e-commerce businesses. Online retailers make up a large percentage of the business that is done online but there are other e-commerce stores online as well. For example, B2B commodities exchange and the sale of subscriptions to premium web content are e-commerce sites that aren’t online retailers. Nevertheless, these types of business do benefit from the use of CRM systems for the same basic reasons that other online retailers do.
  5. Mom and Pop stores. Many small independent location-based stores don’t feel like it is necessary to invest in the tools that are used by larger businesses. However, CRM systems can be really great for these small businesses. Such businesses benefit immensely from having an active social media presence in their community and industry niche. CRM systems that involve social integration make this much simpler and much less time-consuming, which is very important when you’ve only got a couple of people doing all of the work. And don’t worry; most CRM systems are designed to be highly user-friendly so even the least tech-savvy of Mom and Pop stores can get the hang of them rather quickly.



Strategic CRM – Mainitain Long Term Relationship with Customers

The aim of strategic CRM is to concentrate and enhance the knowledge about customers and use this knowledge to improve and customize the interactions with customers to maintain a long-term relationship with them.

Determining and development of CRM strategies involves following steps:

  1. Amplify Commitment- Strategic CRM involves almost all the departments of an organization e.g. finance, sales, manufacturing, distribution, marketing etc. Hence it is essential to get support and use their important feedback while determining strategies. For this each and every department should be kept informed about all the developments and implementation of processes carried out or performed. Everyone should also be emphasized about the positive approaches and end results of the strategies.
  2. Building valuable project team- After organizational commitment is secured the next important stage in developing CRM strategies is building a determined and valuable project team. Each and every member of this team should be experiences and dedicated professional as these members will be the key decision makers in the whole process. They will be responsible to communicate all the related details and benefits of the CRM strategies to all the members of the organization. These members should be from following work groups to ensure all the aspects of strategies are addressed efficiently;
  1. Management- Management professionals are responsible to provide motivation, leadership and management at every strategic development step especially when a change in business process or organizational structure is expected.
  2. Technical- Automation of CRM strategies are important and must involve experienced technical hands. Also technical professional provide their useful contribution in building and managing software application and determining their compatibility with existing software features.
  3. Sales and Marketing- These are final users of CRM system once the strategies are determined and implemented. The applied strategies are supposed to be successful once these users fell comfortable and satisfied by using all the CRM features. Being the end users these people are also responsible to provide useful feedbacks on efficiency and effectiveness while the strategies are in development phase.
  4. Financial- The CRM strategies must also be gone through or evaluated under financial aspects. The financial professionals of the team can provide crucial analysis on assessment of enhanced productivity, evaluation of operational and production cost and final estimated cost of the project. They also help in assessing the investment cost per module or segment so that the product is delivered inside the budget.
  5. External Experts- Many times some external consultants and other CRM vendors are substantially helpful in strategy development. These are people who are generally hired or outsourced for second fruitful opinion or if the organization is lacking with sufficient CRM experts. These professionals have vast experience in the same field and helps analyzing organization’s actual business needs, work with other professional to review and approve complex business structure and even helps in formulating the team members according to the expertise they posses.
  • Requirement Analysis- CRM strategies should always focus and concentrate on the actual business requirements. This process involves a series surveys and questionnaires with top level sales, marketing and financial managers to gather the actual expectations regarding the strategies to be implemented and what results these strategies will throw in the final stage. This is a very crucial factor in the development of an effective CRM system because if the results are not matching the actual requirement or if they diverge from focus points, then that means it’s not achieving the desired goals.



    Operational CRM


    Operational CRM is mainly focused on automation, improvement and enhancement of business processes which are based on customer-facing or customer supporting. The main importance of a CRM system lies on how the selling, marketing and service oriented processes are automated, and for which operational CRM systems are embedded with following major automation applications:

    1. Marketing automation- As the name implies, marketing automation is basically focused on automating marketing processes. In marketing, campaign management involves marketers to use customer specific information to determine, evaluate and develop communications that are targeted to customers in individual as well as multilevel or multichannel environment. Campaigns developed to communicate customers individually are easy and involves unique and direct communications. For multichannel environment the implementation of marketing strategies and campaign management is quite difficult and challenging. For example, some retailers have multichannel transactions like shops or stores, wholesale stores, websites, home shopping and even television shopping. Here integration and implementation of communication strategy is difficult and evaluation of performance and quality of campaigns needs to be automated and should be technologically sound across each of the channels. For handling this, a CRM marketing strategy called event-based marketing is inherited. Using event based marketing communication and offers are presented to customers as and when they are required. For example, credit card customer calls the call center for inquiring the current interest rates, this indicates that customer is specific about the interest rates and is trying to compare the interest rates and may switch to different competitor to find specific deals which suits him. Without wasting time the automated CRM system pops up an event of offer which is best suited for that customer and helps to retain him back.
    2. Sales-force Automation- A CRM system is not only used to deal with the existing customers but is also useful in acquiring new customers. The process first starts with identifying a customer and maintaining all the corresponding details into the CRM system. This process can be distributed into many stages which includes generation of lead and then qualifying those leads as prospects. The Sales and Field representatives then try getting business out of these customers by sophistically following up with them and converting them into a winning deal. Automation of selling process is efficiently handled by Sales-force automation which automates all the methodologies or sales cycle and above described process sophisticatedly.
    3. Service Automation- Service automation deals with managing organization’s service. The actual interactions with customers such as contact, direct sales, direct mail, call centers, data aggregation systems, web sites and blogs etc. are examples of operational CRM. Each interaction with a customer can be collected to the client database generally known as ‘customer’s history’ and the information can later be used wherever necessary. Any one in the organization can have access to this information about customer which gives a clear view of customers needs and important information on the customer such as products owned, prior support calls etc. It naturally eliminates the need to obtain this information individually from the customer. On the basis of the information, if required, the customer can easily be contacted at right time at the right place.

    Operational CRM refers to services that provide support for various ‘front office’ business processes in helping organization to take care of their customers. Focus on customers’ value is important for a successful operational CRM strategy. Different customers have to be treated differently so information on variables like customers’ ranking, actual value and potential value is of strategic value.



    Analytical CRM

    Analytical CRM supports organizational back-office operations and analysis. It deals with all the operations and processes that do not directly deal with customers. Hence, there is a key difference between operational CRM and Analytical CRM. Unlike from operational CRM, where automation of marketing, sales-force and services are done by direct interaction with customers and determining customer’s needs, analytical CRM is designed to analyze deeply the customer’s information and data and unwrap or disclose the essential convention and intension of behavior of customers on which capitalization can be done by the organization.

    Primary goal of analytical CRM is to develop, support and enhance the work and decision making capability of an organization by determining strong patterns and predictions in customer data and information which are gathered from different operational CRM systems.

    The following are the key features of analytical CRM:

    • Seizing all the relevant and essential information of customers from various channels and sources and collaboratively integrating and inheriting all this data into a central repository knowledge base with a overall organization view.
    • Determining, developing and analyzing inclusive set of rules and analytical methods to scale and optimize relationship with customers by analyzing and resolving all the questions which are suitable for business.
    • Implementing or deploying the results to enhance the efficiency of CRM system and processes, improve relationship and interaction with customers and the actual business planning with customers.
    • Combine and integrate the values of customers with strategic business management of organization and value of stakeholders.

    Analytical CRM is a solid and consistent platform which provides analytical applications to help predict, scale and optimize customer relations. Advantages of implementing and using an analytical CRM are described below.

    1. Leads in making more profitable customer base by providing high value services.
    2. Helps in retaining profitable customers through sophisticated analysis and making new customers that are clones of best of the customers.
    3. Helps in addressing individual customer’s needs and efficiently improving the relationships with new and existing customers.
    4. Improves customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    The power of CRM provides a lot of managerial opportunities to the organization. It implements the customer information in an intelligent way and creates views on customer values, spending, affinity and segmentation. Analysis is done in every aspect of business as described below:

    1. Customer Analytics- This is the base analytic used to analyze customer knowledge base. It provides a better view of customer behavior and by modeling, assessing customer values and assessing customer’s portfolio or profiles and creates an exact understanding of all the customers.
    2. Marketing Analytics- This helps discovering new market opportunities and seeks their potential values. It also helps in managing marketing strategies and scale and plan marketing performance at district, regional and national levels. Marketing analytics also focus on campaign management and planning, product analysis and branding.
    3. Sales Analytics- Sales analytic provides essential environment to plan, simulate and predict sales volumes and profits by constantly analyzing organizational sales behavior. It helps in pipelining all the selling opportunities in an efficient way by indulging and improving the sales cycle.
    4. Service Analytics- Analytical CRM has major role in enhancing the services which answering all the questions regarding customer satisfaction, quality and cost of products, complaint management etc. It even helps in improving and optimizing the services by sophistically analyzing the service revenue and cost.
    5. Channel Analytics- This type of analysis helps to determine the customer behavior on channel preferences, like web channel, personal interaction, telephone channel etc. This information is efficiently integrated in customers’ knowledge base so that they can be contacted accordingly.

    The essential results produced by Analytical CRM system could diversely help the organization to tackle customers’ based on values. It also helps in determining which customer is best to invest in, which can be treated at an average level and which should not be invested in.




    Collaborative CRM

    Collaborative CRM deals with synchronization and integration of customer interaction and channels of communications like phone, email, fax, web etc. with the intent of referencing the customers a consistent and systematic way. The idea is not only enhancing the interactions but also to increase and improve customer retention and liberty.

    Collaborative CRM entangles various departments of organization like sales, marketing, finance and service and shares the customer information among them to highlight better understanding of customers. For example, the information of preferred products could be shared with marketing department so that analysis can be performed in this aspect to provide preferred products to customers. The information regarding varied cost or price of a particular product in market defined by customers can be delivered to finance department so that strategies could be created to match the product cost with similar products in market and after analysis bring an affordable and efficient product in market. The information regarding a specific service which is not installed in the company’s environment and intimated by the customers can be transferred to service

    department to improve or install that particular service in-house. All this is done efficaciously within the range of channels so that the process automates the needs and minimal time is required for fulfilling these needs.

    Collaborative CRM can be broadly identified by two aspects:

    1. Interaction Management- This management process deals with designing the communication or interaction channel process within an organization which is specific to customer interaction and finally enhancing the extent of communication between both the parties. The communication channel depends on the customers’ preference on how they require the interaction to be dealt with. Some customers prefer to be contacted via phone and email because of more comfort ability or non availability of manual interaction due to no time or unavailability of resources. Some of them prefer to have live online meeting or web meeting to reduce the travel time and lack of time or may be they prefer more clarified real time environment by sitting at desk and transact. Some of the customers insist for agent conducted services which is often face-to-face interaction as they believe that this way is more efficient and conclusive. Depending on these channels of interaction it is very important for organization to fulfill these needs of customers and gather information from them and implementing it into the CRM before interacting to enhance the interaction power.
    2. Channel Management- After analyzing and implementing the interaction medium it’s important to enhance the power of channels through which the customers are interacted. By using latest technological aspects for improving channel interaction could help to contact customers in an efficient way and gather information from them to help organization to understand the customers. Hence it is important for an organization to clearly arrange the channel responsibilities and duties.

    Below are advantages of Collaborative CRM:

    • Enables valued customer interaction across the channels.
    • Entangles web or online collaboration to cut down service cost of customers.
    • Integrates customer interaction with call centers to enable multi-channel interaction with customers and helps them make understand the overall process vales.
    • Describes a view of integrated customer’s details during interaction to server them in a better way.

    This CRM solution brings customers, process and strategies and data together so that organizations could serve and retain customers more efficiently.

    Social Networks and CRM


    Customer satisfaction is an integral part of company growth and success. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems offer businesses a way to keep current customers satisfied, as well as a way of finding new customers. Social networking can play a huge role in both these endeavors.

    Many companies incorporate CRM systems in order to manage and organize all the contact it has with both existing and prospective customers, through software or Web-based approach that supports these ventures. For example, customer data and interactions can be entered, stored, and accessed by personnel based on several categories. The data then can be used to encourage better customer service with comprehensive information, and to improve targeted marketing. Social networking offers yet another channel to accomplish both of these goals.

    This natural marriage between next-generation social technologies and enterprise platforms brings together a powerful tool for the ever-changing corporate world. Whether your business is large or small, the benefits are countless. For example, a large corporation can use social networks for providing better customer service to their already large customer base. A small company may use social networks to reach more people and spread the word of their products and services. In the end, the main goals are providing better customer service and attracting new customers.

    While the list of social networking possibilities are many, here are a few examples of social networks being used for customer relationship management:


    * Create a profile page free of charge and tell everyone why your company is the best. On your profile page you add logos, videos of products, customer testimonials, and pictures.
    * Facebook is all about meeting people and growing your friend list. Use this to your company’s advantage by accepting new friends, all while creating more business.
    * On Facebook, you have a “wall” where customers can post comments and engage in dialogue with one another. This can also be useful when connecting with product representatives, and sister companies.
    * Use the polls on Facebook to get quick information and opinions from your actual customers. This knowledge is extremely valuable when making decisions about your future.


    * Having the customer be a part of the conclusion/solution can ensure a satisfied customer, because he or she helped solve the problem.
    * Communicating with the customer may help alleviate simple tensions, and resolve misunderstandings. Employees tend to feel less stress when customers aren’t explosive and unhappy.
    * Social networking is in real-time, which allows companies to be responsive and accurate. Customers are used to being frustrated by being put on hold in call centers. Blogs can help resolve this problem by offering an easy way to be heard.
    * Sometimes customers are more comfortable reaching companies in a way that makes them relaxed. A blog can offer a non-confrontational way to ask questions and make suggestions in a casual environment.

    Facebook and blogs are just two examples of how social networking is advancing customer relationship management. In general, integrating CRM social networking can bring companies to the forefront of the business world. It helps companies reach customers in a safe, easy to use, and quick way. In a world where customers want results fast, bridging the two channels together creates an innovative way to approach customer service.


    What’s in a Name? Five Companies’ Mysterious Monikers

    Posted in educative tipps, POWER SERVICE on January 7, 2011 by Johnny-Love International Group [JLIG]

    What’s in a Name? Five Companies’ Mysterious Monikers
    By: Molly Mann

    Always Coca-Cola
    Coca-Cola was invented in 1885 by a pharmacist named John Pemberton, who intended his product to become a cure for headaches and fatigue.

    The three key ingredients in the original Coca-Cola were cocaine (coca), caffeine (cola), and carbonated water. (In the late 1800s, the idea that carbonated or mineral water had healing properties was a popular belief.)

    According to Evita Ochel of, the cocaine in Coca-Cola was banned by the early 1900s, but the company kept the name. Coca-Cola is now a major corporation with a portfolio of more than 3,300 beverages.

    Say Pepsi, Please
    Pepsi-Cola is another soft drink with an interesting story behind its name. Caleb Bradham, a pharmacist and drugstore owner in New Bern, North Carolina, invented Pepsi in 1898, according to PepsiCo, Inc.

    During the hot summer, Bradham began experimenting with combinations of spices, juices, and syrups in his search for a refreshing new drink to serve his customers. His final creation was a unique mix of carbonated water, sugar, vanilla, rare oils, pepsin, and kola nut extract; it became so popular that his customers named it Brad’s Drink. Bradham, however, noticed that sales were growing and decided to form a company to market his beverage. He bought the trade name Pep Cola for $100 from a competitor in Newark, New Jersey, that had gone broke, and registered his own trademark, Pepsi-Cola, in 1903.

    Initially, Bradham mixed the syrup himself and sold his drink exclusively through soda fountains, but he soon realized that he would do better to bottle Pepsi and allow his customers to drink it anywhere.

    Bradham lost his company after gambling on the fluctuations of sugar prices during World War I. He had believed that prices would rise, but when they fell instead, they left him with an overpriced sugar inventory, and Pepsi-Cola went bankrupt in 1923. Then, in 1931, the Loft Candy Company bought Pepsi-Cola, and Loft president Charles G. Guth reformulated the drink, reviving the brand and beginning years of rivalry with competitor Coca-Cola.

    The Name Game
    Have the names of these companies determined their successes? I suppose there are more important things than a brand, but sipping a Brad’s Drink while BackRubbing on my Bok Choy doesn’t quite trip off the tongue as easily as having a Pepsi while Googling on my Apple.

    Always Coca-Cola
    Coca-Cola was invented in 1885 by a pharmacist named John Pemberton, who intended his product to become a cure for headaches and fatigue.

    The three key ingredients in the original Coca-Cola were cocaine (coca), caffeine (cola), and carbonated water. (In the late 1800s, the idea that carbonated or mineral water had healing properties was a popular belief.)

    According to Evita Ochel of, the cocaine in Coca-Cola was banned by the early 1900s, but the company kept the name. Coca-Cola is now a major corporation with a portfolio of more than 3,300 beverages.

    Say Pepsi, Please
    Pepsi-Cola is another soft drink with an interesting story behind its name. Caleb Bradham, a pharmacist and drugstore owner in New Bern, North Carolina, invented Pepsi in 1898, according to PepsiCo, Inc.

    During the hot summer, Bradham began experimenting with combinations of spices, juices, and syrups in his search for a refreshing new drink to serve his customers. His final creation was a unique mix of carbonated water, sugar, vanilla, rare oils, pepsin, and kola nut extract; it became so popular that his customers named it Brad’s Drink. Bradham, however, noticed that sales were growing and decided to form a company to market his beverage. He bought the trade name Pep Cola for $100 from a competitor in Newark, New Jersey, that had gone broke, and registered his own trademark, Pepsi-Cola, in 1903.

    Initially, Bradham mixed the syrup himself and sold his drink exclusively through soda fountains, but he soon realized that he would do better to bottle Pepsi and allow his customers to drink it anywhere.

    Bradham lost his company after gambling on the fluctuations of sugar prices during World War I. He had believed that prices would rise, but when they fell instead, they left him with an overpriced sugar inventory, and Pepsi-Cola went bankrupt in 1923. Then, in 1931, the Loft Candy Company bought Pepsi-Cola, and Loft president Charles G. Guth reformulated the drink, reviving the brand and beginning years of rivalry with competitor Coca-Cola.

    The Name Game
    Have the names of these companies determined their successes? I suppose there are more important things than a brand, but sipping a Brad’s Drink while BackRubbing on my Bok Choy doesn’t quite trip off the tongue as easily as having a Pepsi while Googling on my Apple.

    Climbing the Ladder of Excess: Five Phases of a Workaholic

    Posted in educative tipps with tags on January 7, 2011 by Johnny-Love International Group [JLIG]

    Climbing the Ladder of Excess: Five Phases of a Workaholic
    By: Excelle

    You’ve committed yourself to twelve-hour workdays; you can probably juggle five tasks at once; and you respond to emails in your sleep. All these signs point to being a model employee … right? Well, not exactly. Since transforming into a stellar superhuman employee, you may have also become a workaholic. See which phase of workaholism you’re in and how over-commitment to your job might be putting your sanity, health, and personal relationships at risk.

    1. You’re the first to arrive on Mondays and the last to leave on Fridays.
    Your motto is often go big or go home, so you’ll work long hours to get the job done. You’re an overachiever in every sense, and you won’t let anyone outshine you. Even on your days off, you’re glued to your BlackBerry—after all, your work email is conveniently hooked up to your personal mobile device. At this point, you’re potentially toeing the line between optimism and delusion, meaning you’re most likely in denial about your extreme working habits. You’re telling your friends and family, “Don’t worry! I’ll be there!” Luckily you haven’t missed any major life events like weddings and graduations … yet.

    2. You no longer keep in touch with friends and/or you have a troubled personal life.
    At this stage, your work life slowly (or maybe quickly) takes over. Prior to this stage, you were able to attend life’s major milestones, but you now find yourself giving excuses about your absence in the most creative ways. You really want to be there! You just can’t make it because there is “so much work to be done.” If you are in a relationship, you might also find a disgruntled significant other becoming more hostile as time goes by. Your belief that work takes precedence over your relationship and leisure time might account for the gap widening between the two of you. You might be thinking, “But my happiness is found in my work. Why doesn’t anyone understand?” Personal relationships need the same care and attention that you’ve dedicated to your work life.

    3. The only parties you attend are networking events, client dinners, or conferences.
    Even though your life is consumed by work, it doesn’t mean you don’t have time to meet people. Instead, you’ve replaced your social life with networking events, taking clients to dinner (for business, of course), and other large business conferences. It’s both what you know and who you know—right? As a result, you’d rather take the time to network with others only in your line of work instead of developing your personal life.

    4. Your friends and family have learned to stop expecting time from you.
    Graduating to stage four of being a workaholic means your loved ones can predict your frequent absences and clever excuses. Instead of being disappointed, your friends and family have stopped inviting you to social events altogether. They can’t even catch you on a sick day because you haven’t taken one in years! Not even the greatest flu will keep you from completing your daily work tasks. To call you dedicated is truly an understatement.

    5. Your baby is calling the nanny “mommy.”
    If the prior four stages haven’t hit home, maybe hearing your baby say “mommy” for the first time will—especially when the words are addressed to your nanny. You’re no longer the woman of the house. Even your dog only listens to the nanny when she asks him to sit. If this isn’t a wake-up call, what is? At this point you should reassess your priorities and take a long-overdue vacation to see what you feel is a fulfilling life.

    Try repositioning your goals toward working smarter and not harder. It might not seem like you are overworking yourself now, but in several years, your productivity will likely decrease. Still not convinced you’re a workaholic? Be one step ahead of your work-obsessed tendencies by taking our quiz!

    What helps you balance your work-life schedule? Share your tips with your fellow community members by posting a comment down below.

    By Crystal Akins for Johnson services

    creative artistic works on you pc

    Posted in educative tipps with tags on January 7, 2011 by Johnny-Love International Group [JLIG]


    Author An article by Andrei Oprinca

    Welcome to another Photoshop tutorial. In this tutorial I will show you how to create a building hit by a meteorite. I tried to simplify it so that less advanced users can follow it. I’ll show you how to create a realistic smoke trail and a meteorite using only Photoshop filters and custom brushes. All stock images used in this tutorial can be downloaded for free. Hope you like the final result.

    Resources needed


    Particles pack:


    Step 1

    The first thing you need to do is to open the Empire State stock image in photoshop and duplicate it. Name the bottom one ORIGINAL and the top layer TOP-LESS. Now you have to erase the top part of the building on the TOP-LESS layer but leave the sky visible. The easiest way to do that is using the Clone Tool (S) and the Patch Tool (J).

    Start with the clone tool and hide part of the building as shown above. Use the sky surrounding the building as cloning source. When you’re done with the Clone Tool you will see that some edges are not well blended. That’s because this tool don’t blend the luminosity. To solve that problem use the Patch Tool.

    The patch tool is similar to the clone tool but it also tries to match the luminosity of the source and destination so that you get a seamless blend.

    Step 2

    When you have the Patch Tool selected, activate the Source option on the upper settings bar and select the area that contains the miss-blended areas and drag the selection over a clear area of the sky. When you release, the patch tool will replace the area with the sky sample where you dragged the patch.

    If you don’t know how the Patch Tool works watch this great video found on You Tube.

    Step 3

    After hiding the indicated areas with the Patch Tool, this is how the image looks. We are still working on the TOP-LESS layer.

    Step 4

    As you see on the picture above, the smooth area must be fixed. We will make it rougher using brushes and a layer mask.

    Create a Layer mask for the TOP-LESS layer. Load Photoshop’s default brushes set. Use the rough brushes in this set on the layer mask using black to reveal parts of the ORIGINAL layer below.

    Step 5

    Once you have the bottom part of the building ready, turn off the visibility of the TOP-LESS layer to reveal the ORIGINAL layer. Get the Pen Tool (P) and trace the contour of the top part of the building using paths. When your done, convert the path into a selection, go to Edit>Copy and then create a new layer above the TOP-LESS layer and paste with the shortcut Ctrl+V. Name this layer BUILDING-TOP. Select the new created layer and rotate it about 5 degrees.

    Step 6

    Now you will start destroying the building. This operation has to be done manually with the Lasso Tool (L). Select the BUILDING-TOP layer and select small size parts of the building. After making a selection right-click and choose Layer Via Cut because you must have these small pieces of debris on a separate layer in order to rotate them. Cut multiple pieces as you see on the image below. I grouped all the layers containing the small pieces of debris.

    Step 7

    This building needs a more rougher look. Create layer mask for the BUILDING-TOP layer and use the same procedure as on step 4 to create some rough edges. Again, paint with black on the layer mask so that you hide parts of the building. Once I made the rough look using brushes on the layer mask I used a grunge concrete texture with Overlay Blend Mode to create more damage effect.

    Step 8

    Download the Media Militia particles pack and open Media_Militia_Particles023.jpg. Scale it down if necessary and paste it over the building to add more debris. I put it in the same group as the other debris pieces made on step 6.

    Step 9

    Now it’s time to make your meteorite. As I said, you can create it from scratch using only filters. I discovered this technique one day while messing around with filters. Here is how you do this.

    Create a new layer above the other layers and name it METEORITE. Select the Lasso Tool (L) and draw by hand a roundish shape. Try to avoid straight lines cause rocks usually have no straight lines. When you have a selection that you like, make sure your background and foreground colors are set to Black and White  and go to Filter>Render>Clouds and then Difference Clouds. Try Difference Clouds a few times. If you are not happy repeat the process from Render>Clouds. Try to get a mixed surface with black and gray.

    Step 10

    When you’re satisfied with how the rock looks after applying the clouds, go to Filter>Sketch>Bas Relief. Set Detail to maximum, Smoothness to 2 or 3 and try the different light directions. I chose Right.

    Step 11

    Now that you have the rock, you have to turn it into a meteorite. For that you must create a layer style so open the layer styles window by double clicking on the METEORITE layer.

    Meteorite layer style

    Keep in mind that this layer style might not look exactly the same on your meteorite because it depends on the amount of black and white areas you have on it. After applying the style try changing the Contrast of your meteorite using Levels to increase highlights and see how it looks. Also try different blend modes for different results.

    Inner Glow

    Bevel and Emboss

    Gradient Overlay

    You can also apply a Pattern Overlay with a rock texture and Overlay Blend Mode if your meteorite needs more texture.

    After applying this layer effects you should get something similar to the image below.

    Step 12

    Select the Smudge Tool and smudge one end of the rock in order to create a motion effect.

    Step 13

    In order to create the smoke trail you will have to create a custom brush using the Brush Preset Editor. Get a soft brush slightly bigger than your meteorite and press F5 to open the brushes window or go to Window>Brushes. This is where you have to create your smoke brush.

    First, go to Other Dynamics and increase opacity to about 40%.

    Next, activate Texture and choose the Clouds pattern locate in the Pattern set (it comes with Photoshop). Check he Invert box next to the pattern thumbnail, increase scale to about 90% and play with the sliders until you get something you like. Also try enabling/disabling Texture Each Tip.

    The Mode option depends on the background where you will use the brush, I used Multiply here but you can try the others. Just try to get the smoke to be fluffy and smooth. You will have to create two smoke trails. One lighter and one darker.

    Step 14

    Use the same smoke brush you created and use a darker gray to create another smoke trail. This time you can increase the size of your brush a few pixels and try a different Mode. Create the black trail above the lighter smoke layer. On a new layer, stroke along the smoke trail using orange and set the Blend Mode to Overlay. That will be the light left behind by the meteorite.

    Step 15

    Open the explosion stock image and scale it down as in the image below. Change the Blend Mode to Screen and use a Soft Eraser or a Layer Mask to hide unwanted edges.

    Step 16

    Open Media_Militia_Particles013.jpg (ignore the text in the image) and erase the middle part because the concentration of particles is too big there. Only leave the outer ones.  Place them on the exit and entry points of the meteorite.

    Step 17

    Use the Marque Tool and create a selection the size of the damaged zone and add some black and white clouds. Set the Blend Mode to Hard Light and decrease Opacity to 45%. Duplicate the Layer and change the Blend Mode from hard light to Soft Light and increase Opacity to 75%.

    Step 18

    The last thing I did was to add some lights. Use a light orange color and Blend Mode – Vivid Light. Change opacity if the effect is too strong.

    Post Editing

    The scene is ready but it can look much better making some general adjustments.  I always include a post editing step on my creations because I always end up with a better result.

    Step 19

    Gradient Map

    Select the entire canvas and go to Edit>Copy Merged. Create a new document and paste the image. Add a Gradient Map Adjustment Layer, set the layer Blend Mode to Overlay and decrease the Opacity to 30%.


    You have to adjust the general exposure of the image and make it brighter. I usually use Levels but this time I decided to change. So add an Exposure Adjustment Layer and use the settings shown in the screenshot below.

    Step 20

    I wanted to give the image a bit more of depth so I used some more particles from the Media Militia pack and added some blur to them. I also added a subtle vignette effect. You can add some motion blur to the meteorite and other parts of the image if you want.

    Step 21

    The last step is a general light shift. The light source in this image is on the left side so I wanted to enhance that. As always, I used the Lighting Effects filter.

    Select the top most layer on the palette and press Shift+Ctrl+Alt+E to create a stamp of all visible layers. That will create a new layer that you can edit without affecting the other layers. Go to Filter>Render>Lighting Effects and use the settings shown in the image below.

    Final Result

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